How to ensure voice consistency for charity shops

Clothes on a rail outside a charity shop
Clothes on a rail outside a charity shop

How to ensure voice consistency for charity shops

Tone of Voice is just as important as visuals when building a brand among charity shops – it’s what will ensure customer loyalty and relationships. So how do you ensure that everyone is on the same page?

Ask anyone how they distinguish charity shops, there’s a big chance they’ll mention brand colours. They have a huge role to play in attracting shoppers, of course. And being instantly recognisable is a large part of building a successful brand.

But to grow customer loyalty, you need more than an exciting palette. Your brand’s personality should help you create a unique customer experience. Something that makes your brand stand out from all other charity shops.

One of the ways to do so is to set a unique tone of voice that your customers can relate with.

Why tone of voice consistency matters

Clothes on a rail in a charity shop

Like all elements of your brand, your tone of voice should be consistent on all materials. Having this brand consistency can increase your revenue by as much as 23%.

But for the charity sector, it may be harder than it is elsewhere, in part because of the high turnover rate. But also because the sector doesn’t just rely on full-time employees. Your volunteers are in contact with a huge number of people too. And yet, they rarely have the opportunity to attend your marketing meetings.

So how do you achieve that when so many people are involved with design production

Tone of voice is more than just what you say, it’s how you say it. A clear and consistent tone of voice is an invaluable asset to your brand because it builds trust with your customers increasing their long-term value.

Sarah Joynt-Bowe

Strategy Director

Things you can do

You need to encourage people to use what your marketing team has worked on. It’s all about educating and trusting people in your team:

  • Train your shop managers on brand guidelines, including tone of voice.
  • Educate fundraisers and volunteers about the importance of brand consistency.
  • List words to avoid when communicating about your brand.
  • Write up repeatable messages people can choose from when creating designs.

We’ve chosen to centralise the production of some of our branded designs to simplify our process. Having hundreds of shops producing their own content isn’t sustainable. It can’t guarantee consistency and that’s too important for us.

Helena Forrest

Marketing Manager

sue ryder

How we help to ensure consistency

Many of our users don’t have marketing expertise, so we worked on a built-in solution for our design platform. This is what inspired us to include a Tone of Voice Assistant*. It’s an easy way to prevent errors that also offers on-brand alternatives people can learn from.

We’re also working on a new feature that’ll make sign-off processes outdated. Choosing from a selection of pre-approved messages, users will be able to create designs in line with your brand voice. That’ll prevent users waiting for sign-off from using tools that can’t guarantee on-brand materials.

* Contact us to find out more.

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To uncover how RightMarket can help you achieve brand consistency and trust, so you can focus on maximising performance.

Our simple steps to clear up compliance confusion with charity laws

Charity volunteer moving boxes
Charity volunteer moving boxes

3 simple steps to clear up compliance confusion with charity laws

The charity sector is built on collaboration – sharing insight and best practices. Which is a good thing because that’s also what we like to do at RightMarket. We started partnering with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising in 2018, and have learned a lot about compliance with charity laws and regulations. So we thought you’d like to get clarity on what you absolutely need to keep in mind when creating branded assets.

When operating in the charity sector, you must comply with charity laws. We have built a framework for our customers, informed by the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, so they feel safe managing their brand. We’ve listed three rules to follow when you are checking compliance with your marketing materials.

What are the 3 rules for compliance?

There can be a lot of confusion and misinformation around compliance. So here are three requirements for fundraising material you need to be aware of and act on:

  1. It is a legal requirement to state that you are a registered charity on all notices, advertisements and documents issued by the charity, or on the charity’s behalf that solicit money. That applies if your charity is registered in England & Wales and had a gross income of over £10,000 in the last financial year.
  2. Volunteer fundraisers must use the expression ‘in aid of’ on fundraising material to distinguish it from fundraising carried out by the charity itself. As a charity, you must ensure your fundraisers understand they are responsible for any liability relating to their fundraising and its organisation.
  3. The Fundraising Regulator badge can only be used on fundraising material by charities that have registered with the Fundraising Regulator. The Fundraising Regulator takes unauthorised use of the Fundraising Badge very seriously.

For more information about compliance with charity laws and regulations, we encourage you to look into the standards section on the CIoF’s website.

Charity Legislation- Part 4 section 39 of the Charities Act [Charities Act 2011] 
Charity Legislation- Section 9, 9.1.6. of the Fundraising Code [Code of Fundraising Practice 2019] 
Fundraising Best Practices- Section 5.3.1 of the Fundraising Code [Code of Fundraising Practice 2019] 

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