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Unleashing Christian Aid's Potential in Communication with RightMarket

At a glance

designs created using RightMarket
0 +
days saved per year to refocus in strategic areas
saved due to a now more efficient design process
£ 0 +
  • Out with the Old, in with the New: Dramatic simplification in template creation, reducing from 75 limited templates to a significantly smaller, more flexible 29.
  • User Empowerment: Over 150 staff within Christian Aid now equipped to produce localised, on-brand marketing materials.
  • Productivity Multiplier: Teams across the organisation are now more marketing-empowered, experiencing a substantial increase in output and engagement.

About Christian Aid

Christian Aid is an international development charity with a powerful vision to end poverty worldwide.The organisation has been steadfast in its commitment to tackling the root causes of poverty, delivering urgent, practical assistance where need is greatest. Christian Aid operates across continents, partnering with local organisations to empower communities, challenge unfair structures, and provide support regardless of race, religion, gender, or nationality.

Today, Christian Aid’s work spans emergency response, sustainable development, and advocacy for justice, aiming to transform the lives of millions each year by advocating for equality, dignity, and freedom for all.

The situation before RightMarket

Christian Aid operates with a diverse workforce spread across multiple countries, focusing on delivering impactful support to communities in need. The organisation’s commitment to clear, consistent, and compelling communication was challenged by an outdated brand management platform that was difficult to navigate and maintain.

This led to increased frustration among staff, reliance on DIY design tools like Canva, and a dilution of their brand identity. Hindered by a complex, slow, and user-unfriendly platform, the organisation sought a transformative solution. 

RightMarket emerged as the beacon of change, offering a platform that not only streamlined template creation but also empowered staff and fundraising teams across various departments to engage in effective communication while ensuring brand consistency.

The Quest for Efficiency

The primary challenge was to find a system that could accommodate the diverse needs of Christian Aid’s various teams, enabling them to create on-brand materials efficiently. The existing system’s limitations had led to significant inefficiencies, with a heavy reliance on a single staff member for template maintenance and customisation.

This not only slowed down the production of communication materials but also restricted creativity and responsiveness to the organisation’s needs.

A Seamless Implementation

The transition to RightMarket was characterised by a seamless implementation process, underscored by the proactive and hands-on approach of RightMarket’s Customer Success Team. This dedicated team played a pivotal role in guiding Christian Aid through the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth and efficient platform launch.

The Customer Success Team’s expertise in handling technical aspects, such as single sign-on and integration with the Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, made the experience smooth and straightforward. 

RightMarket’s strategic support extended to the task of producing templates, relieving Christian Aid from the necessity of hiring external freelancers for basic design tasks. This move not only reduced costs but also significantly enhanced operational efficiency within the organisation. 

The decision to partner with RightMarket marked a significant milestone for Christian Aid, driven by senior staff’s acknowledgment of the need for a more efficient and effective platform. This realisation, aligned with a brand refresh initiative, emphasised the importance of a solution capable of supporting and elevating the organisation’s efforts.

Overall, this exemplifies the transformative impact of selecting the right technological solution, facilitated by with comprehensive support from the right partner.

"We knew we needed to change and RightMarket was the perfect solution but at the start, I thought this is going to be a lot of work for us. Change is going to be really stressful. But it wasn't because of how the team laid it all out for us step by step, making the change seamless and simple."

Tanya Jackson

Brand Marketing & Creative Lead


A New Era for Design and Communication

The introduction of RightMarket has revolutionised how Christian Aid approaches communication and design. Key impacts include:

  • Increased Efficiency: The reduction in the number of templates and the streamlined creation process have freed up resources, allowing staff to focus on priority projects.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The platform’s ease of use has been met with enthusiasm, significantly reducing the frustration associated with the previous system.
  • Brand Consistency: With more control over design elements, Christian Aid has strengthened its brand consistency across all communications.
  • Future Expansion: Discussions about expanding RightMarket’s use to supporters indicate the platform’s potential to further enhance Christian Aid’s communication strategies.

How RightMarket Redefined Communication for Christian Aid

Christian Aid’s adoption of RightMarket marks a significant milestone in their journey towards more efficient, effective, and empowered communication. By addressing the organisation’s core challenges—navigating an outdated brand management platform that was difficult to use and maintain, overcoming the reliance on DIY design tools that diluted their brand identity, and eliminating the inefficiency caused by a cumbersome template creation process—the platform has enabled staff to produce on-brand materials with greater ease and confidence. 

RightMarket’s solution not only streamlined template creation but also liberated the team from the heavy reliance on a single staff member for template maintenance and customisation, which had previously slowed down the production of communication materials and restricted creativity.

This story exemplifies the transformative power of the right technological solution and partner, setting a new standard for organisational communication within the non-profit sector.

"The switch to RightMarket has been nothing short of transformative. It has not only simplified our design process but also empowered our teams to communicate more effectively and consistently."

Tanya Jackson

Brand Marketing & Creative Lead


Discover how you can unleash your brand potential with RightMarket