Limited design capacity with The Children's Trust

The situation
When considering which supplier to choose for any solution, it can be tough to get it right. For The Children’s Trust, it proved easy when choosing a platform for self-serve design.
The Children’s Trust were experiencing problems with design capacity, and brand consistency. They were looking for a solution that would help free up their time to focus on larger projects without compromising on quality. Service was a key factor because they didn’t want to lose capacity managing the solution. RightMarket was referred to them by other Charities.
We spoke to Tony Hunt, Creative Manager at The Children’s Trust to understand more about why they needed a solution and why they chose RightMarket.
The problems
Our team was getting an overwhelming number of design requests. A lot of them were just simple designs that limited the time we could spend on large campaigns.
Since the charity’s rebrand limited resource meant that home-made creative remained a problem.
Finding a way to free up the designers would help them to develop and focus on larger projects.
We also needed a way to limit the number of home-made designs appearing and encourage the use of on-brand designs.
The solution
When looking for a solution, a few charities recommended RightMarket to us. It sounded like something that could solve a lot of the problems we were having.
Their knowledge of the Charity Sector and experience working with other charities gave us a lot of confidence. We’re a unique sector so working with a team that already understood our needs was a big attraction. RightMarket explained their success process and it fit our needs very well.
We chose RightMarket because of the potential ROI on the product and the service offering. Their full tailored service approach was a clear differentiator.
The training and support took away a lot of the risk from the purchase. We didn’t want this to turn into a project which needed a lot of management time from the charity. After all, part of the reason for needing a solution was to save time.
We’d seen the work that their Customer Success Team had been doing with other charities. RightMarket are very hands-on. That goes a long way to making sure that the project will be successful and that we would fulfill our criteria for purchase.
RightMarket is unique because the service and support is unlike any of the competitors we have seen. It is comprehensive and means success and adoption of the platform isn’t reliant on just the charity. It’s a collaborative project and that works very well.
We’re always hearing about how other charities are using the platform to inform our direction. In that sense, we have a supportive community that pools knowledge and experience to help one another.
The Project Discovery we went through before purchase has been an ongoing help. We were able to scope out the project and build a business case before committing. It’s also something that we continue to develop with RightMarket to understand what the impact changes to the platform could have.
We’ve had many members of staff comment on how easy it is to use. I’m impressed by how well users have adopted the platform and by the quality of what they’re producing.
Feedback from our Community Team has been positive so far. They use the platform for small events, so having the resource to do things that they couldn’t do before is a great help. It’s not just the designs we used to produce for them, but also the ones that never hit our desk. We’re finding more of our collateral is now on-brand!
It’s grown awareness in the importance of our charity brand and empowered our staff. They can now be involved in increasing brand visibility. That’s invaluable to us in the Marketing team and, of course, the Charity.
The process
Very easy. The subscription includes everything which saves us a lot of hassle when it comes to budgeting throughout the year. You never know when you will require changes to the templates on the platform. Whether it be to better suit users requirements, or visual tweaks and branding changes. It’s great to know we can tweak and improve without it having any financial impact.
Although there are no plans at present for any brand refreshes, it’s great to know that rebrands come with no additional charges.
There’s no limit to the number of users which simplifies our long-term vision to deliver artwork to our volunteers and supporters.
We also have the option to streamline any print ordering processes and can choose our print suppliers to link to the system to do so.
It’s valuable to have that kind of flexibility. Though we may not use all the features available, it does mean we have many options when we need to adapt to get the most out of the platform. It’s a great time saver and produces professional standard materials in a quick and efficient way.
The impact
It’s fantastic! The flexibility offered on both our pricing and service reflect the requirements we had from the start.
The Onboarding program we went through ensured change management was successful. More recently, the timely support we received in response to COVID-19 has been invaluable. It has helped coordinate our internal communications to staff, volunteers, and families. They’ve designed new artwork for us and have been proactive in suggesting solutions we’ve since implemented.
We’re grateful for the support we received in that period. Beyond the project, it’s been useful to get new insights and innovative ideas from all the charities RightMarket partners with.
We are regularly kept informed of new updates. We get invited to feedback and receive ongoing support from the Customer Success Team to maximise value. I couldn’t ask for more.
The Retail team need a lot of collateral. Therefore, it would involve a lot of time and cost on all fronts. We simply can’t design it all. That would leave the staff and volunteers in the shops with no choice but to make it themselves with little support. It’s far from the ideal situation – nobody wins.
We need to be doing everything we can to remain open in the safest way possible for our staff, volunteers and customers. Simplifying the process of creating artwork for our shops is an easy way to protect the vital funds they bring in.
Using RightMarket isn’t just about finding a more efficient way to deliver the same artwork. It also opens the potential for entirely new things to be designed that would never normally be possible. Simply put, offering design flexibility means our brand is even more visible without any additional work needed. That sort of exposure isn’t possible with traditional processes. Importantly, RightMarket allows us to stand out and be more competitive on the high street.
The best part is hearing how everyone in our shops enjoy the autonomy RightMarket gives them. They’re responsible for making their shops look great for their local area and we simply give them the tools.
Quite honestly, it would be a nightmare without RightMarket!