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How The Woodland Trust reclaimed 20% of their weekly time

At a glance

agency-quality pieces of artwork created to date in RightMarket
0 +
time-limited users able to quickly access marketing materials
0 +
The average time it takes Woodland Trust users to create on-brand artwork
0 mins
  • Woodland Trust’s users are often in hands-on jobs, with limited time for marketing – so they needed a quick and efficient tool
  • Their old system was clunky and required a great deal of maintenance – leaving less capacity for strategic work
  • One RightMarket template does the job of 20 in the old system, saving the team precious set-up time
  • Productivity has risen across the organisation and there’s no longer the risk of design jobs being forgotten

About Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. The organisation was established in 1972 and has since played a significant role in conserving and expanding woodland areas.

The organisation relies on volunteers and fundraisers to carry out its work, including promoting them on a local level. They also have a network of site managers who look after woodlands across the country, such as providing signage for visitors.

Before RightMarket: a clunky, time-expensive system

Before RightMarket, the Woodland Trust already had a web-to-print system in place. It was cheaply sourced through a printer, but various issues meant it cost the organisation precious time and wasn’t fit for purpose.

As brand needs grew over time, users wanted better capability. The old system wasn’t responsive, meaning there needed to be a new template for every little change a user might want to make.

Jonathan Dye, Print Services Co-ordinator, at the Woodland Trust became overwhelmed with managing the system. He had to spend one dedicated day every week purely on system admin. He’d even need to spend time on it at the weekend.

Eventually, they came to a crossroads. They would either need to hire an additional person to maintain the system and cover their salary or they’d need to acquire a better system.

Step in RightMarket.

Getting precious time back with an outsourced, user-friendly platform

The Woodland Trust vetted several solutions to replace the old system. But RightMarket came out on top, thanks to the time savings promised and our ability to meet their specific needs.

The existing system was like an empty toolbox, which required Jonathan’s time to populate with templates. With RightMarket, everything would be done by our experienced team. There was no need for anyone at the Woodland Trust to learn tricky software or spend hours setting up brand templates. It was a full marketing toolkit, with everything they needed to thrive.

Winning the battle against change management resistance

In any organisation, there can be resistance to change. The Woodland Trust was no exception.

Fortunately, with RightMarket’s hands-on approach through the buying process and beyond, resistance was minimised.

During the demonstration stage, Jonathan and his team were given a detailed view into the RightMarket platform, including its intuitive templates and design capabilities. They had a chance to scrutinise everything to ensure it was a fit for their needs and there would be no unexpected issues later.

There was also a guided onboarding process that allowed the Woodland Trust to smoothly transition to the new system. Jonathan likens the experience to moving from a one-bed flat to a four-bed house. It was a drastic change, but one that was crucial to grow capacity. RightMarket’s support ensured it was successful with minimal stress.

As a result, staff quickly became comfortable with RightMarket’s system – and there’s no desire to ever go back to how things were.

Driving satisfaction by offering site managers and fundraisers a better, time-efficient experience

Many of the Woodland Trust’s users are volunteers, fundraisers and site managers who need to be out in the field. Their time is limited, especially when it comes to creating brand artwork.

Any solution implemented had to be easy for them to use and quick.

Our people don't have time to be on a computer designing things. If half an hour of their time is spent going round in circles and not getting what they want, they'll just close the laptop and walk away. With RightMarket, that doesn’t happen.

Jonathan Dye

Print Services Co-ordinator

One RightMarket template does the job of 20 templates in the old system. Our intuitive functionality means users can personalise the visuals and text to fit their specific purpose, all in one place. So, it’s not only easier for Jonathan to manage, but it’s easier for users to find exactly what they want, quickly.

It takes an average of nine minutes for Woodland Trust users to create custom signage, flyers, event cards and banners – including choosing layouts, images and copy so every design is unique yet on-brand. Then they can get back to their jobs and doing the things that matter.

Using data and insight to get the most value from RightMarket

A few years down the line since they first implemented RightMarket, the Woodland Trust has found infinite value in the insight and support the platform provides.

Due to the nature of their work, the organisation tends to experience workload peaks in the spring and summer months. RightMarket’s analysis allows them to better manage the chaos.

Activity reports enable them to see who is using RightMarket, so they can make sure every site is covered. Insight into the most popular templates help them understand what people are making, so they can make sure there are enough options to cover demand. The data-driven insights have improved their internal process, with better knowledge of what their users need to flourish.

A graph showing Woodland Trust's artwork output fluctuating through their peak period

Alongside the data they now have access to, the constant support of the RightMarket team has been widely appreciated. Any minor issues or adjustments have been swiftly addressed by the Customer Success team, who offer a continual communication channel whenever the Woodland Trust need them.

Jonathan and his team can carry on their daily jobs in confidence, knowing that all maintenance is in hand by experienced RightMarket experts.

Woodland Trust have increased productivity and freed everyone’s time

For The Woodland Trust, reclaimed time is by far the biggest reward RightMarket gives.

The transition from their old system came at a crucial time, where increasing workload threatened to overwhelm staff and damage productivity. Instead, they’ve got a solution that gives everyone more capacity to focus on the things that will drive their mission.

On a personal level, Jonathan feels like he’s got his job back. After years of lost time, he can move on with more meaningful work.

Before, tasks could easily be delayed due to a lack of time, leading users to DIY platforms like Canva or spending budget outsourcing to external designers, which could result in off-brand output. Users can now handle their own design requests while representing the Woodland Trust brand. Risk is eliminated.

If I was still using the old system, things would slip. With RightMarket, things don't slip. And I can spend my time on things that mean more to the Woodland Trust and our supporters.

Jonathan Dye

Print Services Co-ordinator

Everyone has benefited. Site managers and fundraisers can quickly access the resources they need without having to compromise on time or lose sight of the work they love doing. The design team at head office don’t have to waste hours on simple jobs that could be done elsewhere.

Against a backdrop of uncertainty in the current climate, the Woodland Trust’s need for RightMarket continues to grow. Productivity is boosted and processes are more efficient.

They can stay focused on strategy and reaching the right people, with a strong brand system to support them.

I can't put into words how much time I've now got back with RightMarket. It's allowed me to get on with my real job, and the Woodland Trust has seen much more productivity.

Jonathan Dye

Print Services Co-ordinator

Let RightMarket win your time back